Our blog project was born at the end of 2022 to disclose the online defamations and fake articles on the website Fintelegram.com, articles that Fintelegram hide if you pay them a yearly whitelisted service of 6500€.
If you pay to remove negative and defamation articles, maybe there is something you want to hide. But if you defame for free, just to make it your main business, you are another fucking online scammer!!!
In January we started to investigate also against other websites, including Dirtyscam.com, Gripeo.com, Repdigger.com (and all the other dozen) and in the last few days we are also getting also emails from some journalists and lawyers interested in our blog aim.
Today we realized, thanks to our readers, that Mr Vikram Parmar (know also as Vikramsinh Parmar, Martin Horan, and Nathan Howards), the owner of the biggest online defaming websites Dirtyscam.com, Gripeo.com, Repdigger.com and over 100 websites, filed a DMCA against us to hide our investigations and fix his online reputation.
We are fucking happy! We got another proof that our job is worthed! He’s getting back a bit of his medicine! Almost all Indian people believe in Karma. Vikram, welcome to the Karma world, but now will be worst!
You can read it here the DMCA filled a few days after our investigation https://www.lumendatabase.org/notices/34134520# Our investigation reached the target and the destination!
He’s trying to hide this article:
And these 2 tags
Do you know why we are happy?
Dear reader, we disclosed here just 20% of the proofs, we are wrapping up everything and we’ll deliver to Interpol, Europol, Eurojust and FBI really soon, we have already an open channel, and they are waiting for us (in this way they will have the investigation 90% done).
Since Google and Big will be also involved in this big investigation, and Mr Vikram Parmar contacted them to remove us from the search engine blog links, this is another useful proof he gave to us! Google will deliver the same proof to the investigators. Also, he declared himself to be a US resident (and it’s a fake).
We’ll publish soon also a criminal case template ready to use with all the addresses (the domain registrar, hosting, as well the single international authorities), to help you and your lawyer to deposit faster a criminal case, you need just to fill in your data and proofs about the defamation, the money they extort (if you paid or not, you can always fill a case).
More criminal cases will be filed, and faster the different authorities (Interpol, Europol, Eurojust and FBI) will react, including all the banks that received the money in the last years, for the EU and US regulations, they must disclose the full bank statement.
If you already paid to remove your article in the last years, don’t be shy!
Please email us with all the proofs, we’ll continue the investigation and stop this dirty business!
Btw, we found also another old DMCA he sent to Google 2 years ago to protect his first company Repze … do you remember the reputation management company? If you want to read more go here https://repzescam.com/
If you need legal assistance, email us and we’ll put you in touch with our the lawyers in USA and India. They are waiting for clients and criminal cases to fill up, and they are so happy to partner with us.
If you are one of the victims, It’s better to pay 2-3000$ just once for a criminal case filing, instead to pay the scammers to remove every time the defamation article. Because they will remove one article today, and the next week a new one will come up on another website (that’s why they have over 100 websites, to continue to extort no stop the online chickens).
Also, the moment you fill the criminal case and send it to Google, it’s a matter of days and Google immediately shut down all the links and inform immediately the website hosting and owner.
If you want to contribute to our blog, please contact us via email, your money will help us to have the web clean, and increase more and more investigations that will help these people to destroy other people’s names and companies. Actually, we have in our hands tons of hot proofs, but we’ll release everything here just after the investigator will give us the consent.
We want to say Thanks also to 4 people that are constantly paying all our monthly costs for marketing and legal expenses and shared our project idea from day 1.
The more we’ll publish investigations, the more interested become in our blog, and more people will contribute to paying for our investigations and give us online advertising.
If you want to sponsor us, you don’t need to pay us, do it with your online marketing agency or also ask to give us backlinks that give us more value following the Google ranking.
If you know some journalists, who help us to spread our articles, they can try to stop us, but they cannot stop the journalists as well the authority like Interpol.
Here you can read the online articles that are popping up after our investigations in the last 2 months
If you want to start removing the articles from Google, submit your request here https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/9172218 and don’t pay any of the online reputation management companies that appear as “reputation management that remove Gripeo, Dirtyscam or any of their websites”.
And attach the payment request you received as well as the criminal case filed.
We are directly in contact with Google’s legal department, they are monitoring Gripeo (and all the website family) and waiting for our investigations as well as criminal cases filled. We have their direct email:
google-legal-support@google.com If you are a U.S. resident,
or internationalcivil@google.com if you are not a U.S. resident.
The Google legal department doesn’t want to be involved in this problem, then they will start to block all his domains including your articles, and then the game is over!
There are just 2 kinds of people you cannot control and you need to be afraid:
– those that don’t have anything to lose
– the crazy people, because you cannot deal with
You can do exactly the same. Create a copy of Gripeo.com (it can by automated) and file DCMA takedowns on daily basis against every single article on it. This will ruin its reputation and hurt its Google ranking. What is most important – it will cut the revenue stream to Vikram Parmar since all the defamatory articles will be taken down for a while. With all DCMA takedowns and defamatory complaints Google with delist the whole domain in several months.
Keep up the good work.
Create a new domain with copy of Gripeo.com each 2 weeks, hire some Indian to file dmca takedown requests and they are done.
[…] to hide our investigations against him! Here you can read the first DMCA he sent a few days ago Vikram Parmar from Gripeo and Dirtyscam filed a DMCA against us … he wants to scam and defame the people as well as disclose the scammers but doesn’t […]
[…] I have already reported this scam bank account to WISE and they say they are taking action. I showed them the proof of his email demands for payment plus the various NYTimes articles and Plainsite links about Parmar. […]
[…] instead you can read the same but for Dirtyscam.com, up today we see already 242 DMCA sent to Google, see here the full list […]
[…] Parmar aka Vikramsinh Parmar, is the mastermind of the online defamation business. He was charged with criminal conspiracy in […]
[…] received an offer from one of the victims, to pay 5000$ in crypto for who will reveal the actual Vikram home address. He tried to silence our blog and delist it from Google. Now the Google legal […]
[…] to our investigation, Virkam decide to close his shit website dirtyscam and the shit business he is managing since 2018. I hope […]