Vikram is trying to fight us and remove all our pages from Google and Bing searches results with a fake copyright DMCA. It’s the second DMCA he sent in a matter of days! He’s starting to feel our pressure! And as we promised, this is just the start!
What did he do? he created a full copy of our blog that at first glance appears to be the true original under a strange and fake domain. But it’s not! And after that, he submitted a copyright infringement to Google, accusing us that copy-paste his blog content. This sociopath has serious problems. Maybe was raped when he was young that’s why he act like that?
We immediately realized thanks to our reader’s emails and sent Google a counternotice with proof that our blog is pure and original. He’s clearly trying to hide our investigations against him! Here you can read the first DMCA he sent a few days ago Vikram Parmar from Gripeo and Dirtyscam filed a DMCA against us … he wants to scam and defame the people as well as disclose the scammers but doesn’t want to be disclosed as a scammer, it’s strange philosophy right Virkarm Parmar?
But we are back again, stronger than before, angry than before!!!!!!!
We are always pushing back up here as proof of our existence, then the genius could never appeal as a copyright owner!
Vikram Parmar I know, we are a finger in your ass! jajajaja But you need to accept it!
We know, you are getting mad because we disclosed everything about you.
This Act directly addresses the take down of (copyright) infringed content from a website which is publishing content in violation of the copyright protection act or content being used without permission or not in accordance with the sworn statement of the content owner.
Maybe he thinks we are one Indian that works for 200$ a month and for one client. He didn’t understand well, that the more they bust the people’s balls online (and he’s doing that since 2017), the more people contact us offering free help, free extorsion proofs from his side, and also offering money to pay our monthly costs and our investigations and disclose his business.
Yes, we are getting paid for this job, we don’t hide it! This blog was started for fun… now is becoming a public interest business!
There are people that instead to pay him 10-20.000$ to remove articles and be his chicken to be cooked (or a lemon to be squeezed), the victims prefer to pay our blog investigations and disclose him and his dirty business, plus shut down all the articles with our guide How To Submit A Google DMCA Takedown Notice to remove the,, and so on articles.
Now our investigations are also been used to send a DMCA defamation takedown to Google as you can read here thanks to our guide How To Submit A Google DMCA Takedown Notice as well you can see here the full list of DMCA he got Gripeo Dirtyscam and the full list of Lumen DMCA received in the last years.
Dear reader, If you want to shut down articles against you or your company in Fintelegram, Gripeo, Dirtyscam and all the online websites, we explain how to do it by yourself, it’s free, at zero cost!!!
Then forget to pay him to “hide” the same bullshit articles and his scam reputational companies like these we disclosed here The Gripeo right-hand scammer “companies reputation”.
We are planning to set up a fully operative office with a team of 5 people that, on a daily basis, will bombard Google/Bing/Lumen with DMCA takedown for ALL his websites articles and shut down each article they post, within 24h.
The aim is to get angry with the Google team and a huge amount of DMCA will affect his domain’s reputation and his business.
We need your support, this project costs around 5000$ a month, if you are available to help us to fight the scammers, feel free to contact us in private.
Here you can read the Gripeo Dirtyscam and the full list of Lumen DMCA received in the last 2 years of operations.
And don’t forget, Under Florida Statute 831.01, the crime of Forgery is committed when a person falsifies, alters, counterfeits, or forges a document that carries “legal efficacy” with the intent to injure or defraud another person or entity.
Forging a document is considered a white-collar crime. It involves altering, changing, or modifying a document for the purpose of deceiving another person. It can also involve the passing along of copies of documents that are known to be false. In many states, including Florida, falsifying a document is a crime punishable as a felony.
Additionally, under Florida law, “fraud on the court” is where “a party has sentiently set in motion some unconscionable scheme calculated to interfere with the judicial system’s ability impartially to adjudicate a matter by improperly influencing the trier of fact or unfairly hampering the presentation of the opposing party’s claim or defence.” Cox v. Burke, 706 So. 2d 43, 46 (Fla. 5th DCA 1998) (quoting Aoude v. Mobil Oil Corp., 892 F.2d 1115, 1118 (1st Cir. 1989)).
The crime of Forgery is a Third Degree Felony in Florida and is punishable by up to five (5) years in prison, five (5) years of probation, and a $5,000 fine.
But he’s in India, maybe travelling also with a fake passport because they are already looking for him worldwide… and he’s also afraid to lose his business. We disclosed him and his location, and with deep web analysis, it’s confirmed the fully operational country is India as you can see here from!
Maybe he thinks that can shut down us as he did with the website as we found here his DMCA sent 2 years ago
But we don’t stop our research, and we found a copy of this website in as you can see
OWNER | Repzefraud (
The FRAUD | Repzefraud (
A website that was replaced with this one since the owner was not aware of how to appeal to a DMCA, but here you can read it How To Submit A Google DMCA Takedown Notice.
We are checking the web and taking tons of proof against him. The more he wants to challenge, the more we are on it! Soon we’ll publish also some live pictures and videos of where he’s living and we’ll send them to the FBI and Interpol since they are looking for him.
Vikram already closed (and lost money) his previous company called Avikoverseas he opened with his old friend Avi Patel a few years ago. We also traced and contact him, but now he left India after marriage and relocated recently to the UK and doesn’t want to speak at all about Vikram’s business … is quite strange right?
Vikram we are always one step behind you, we’ll be your shadow forever! As you can see, we traced also one of your best friends! Do you think we are joking here?
He invested some money he scammed in 2017 with the first website Dirtyscam, in the new ventures, but the scam is always paying more in the short-term revenue!
It’s better to continue to scam with the actual companies like Repze LLC, Citizen Report LLC, BitReputation LLC, Zozal Internet LLC, and Remove Reports LLC.
As you can see here, he lost a lot of visitors in the last 2 months and he’s trying to don’t lose more and more with our blog posts and investigations as well free guide that helps you to shut down the articles for free! Fewer visitors, equal less incoming money for removals.
Here we can see an updated country from where he targets people and companies, mainly USA and UK (India is present just because his team is on a daily basis write articles).
The Gripeo extortionist team started also publishing videos on their fresh youtube channel called ScamProtect
They use this channel to defame those who didn’t pay their extorsion payment request via blackmail. NEVER and EVER contact them, in the moment you do that, you become their chicken, and then he will start to publish and publish a lot of articles online against you.
They want to appear as a group that “fights the scammers”.
Do you want to know more about Repze LLC his first scam company? continue to read our blog, new details will come up jajaja we’ll publish investigations on all his companies, including we’ll check if he filed a tax return and paid taxes in the US.
Don’t pay tax in the US is a criminal case, and we’ll inform also the US tax authority by sending them also the list of the bank and IBAN he used to get money.
Do you want to read more, here you are, our investigations are spreading faster everywhere
Hey, Vikramsinh Parmar aka Vikram Parmar aka Vikram Manubhai Parmar welcome you and your team to our Streisand effect, from now every article we’ll produce, will be published on all the online platforms. Enjoy our Streisand effect, but this will bring you to jail 🙂
You don’t need a fully operative office. Just search for DMCA on Fiverr and you’ll find many guys offering DMCA takedowns. They we’ll be happy to do the job for $1000/month. Good luck!
[…] which shows the Court case against Parmar and shows his websites, aliases (Martin Horan and Matt Hamp) and describes his extortion […]
[…] this is the clear Streisand effect that Vikram Parmar knows so well and it’s part of his […]