June 14, 2023

We receive emails on a daily basis. But this has a reason to be published. Hi. Love your latest article about the fake DMCA request submitted by Parmar. Strangely, in the past, he has posted on Gripeo/Dirtyscam etc claiming that anyone who submits a DMCA request against his websites is “lodging...

June 9, 2023

Vikram is trying to fight us and remove all our pages from Google and Bing searches results with a fake copyright DMCA. It’s the second DMCA he sent in a matter of days! He’s starting to feel our pressure! And as we promised, this is just the start! What did he do? he created a...

June 6, 2023

You can write here some feedback and share with the web your experience as a victim of the websites like Gripeo, Dirtyscam or any other online website that defame you or your company. Here you find some platforms where you can find the page and comment, you can do it also anonymously, don’t...

June 5, 2023

Copyright infringement is a huge issue today. Unfortunately, the internet makes it easy for people to steal content from the original owner. Thankfully there are laws in place to protect copyright holders and their content. If someone misuses your content online, you can file a Google DMCA takedown...

April 28, 2023

We are investigating the Gripeo scam business for months, and disclosing their scam business, company, bank account and really soon, also their physical location and their real names. In the last 3 years, they changed their business model: writing negative and fake articles and defaming people and...